Apple has launched the new iPhone SE which is a 4 inch iPhone (back to 2013) and has made some major announcements like the price cut of the base model of the Apple Watch.
The iPhone SE is Apple's latest 4 inch device, which runs on the Cortex A9 chip (same as the i6s). Apple claims it to be almost same to an iPhone 5, the difference being, it is now available in the much loved rose gold colour. The iPhone SE is pronounced as 'essay'. The A9 chip is complimented my the M9 Motion CoProcessor.
The phone has a 12 MP rear sensor, which is the same as on the iPhone 6s & 6s Plus. It comes with the same aesthetics as the 6s with True Tone Flash, New Signal Processor, record 4K Video
and upto 63 MP Panorama.
The iPhone SE Starts at $399 for the base 16 GB Model and goes upto $499 for the 64 GB Version.
The phone will be available from 31st March.
Huge thanks to The Verge for providing images!
The Phone is available in Space Grey, silver, gold and rose gold colour options.
The iPhone SE is Apple's latest 4 inch device, which runs on the Cortex A9 chip (same as the i6s). Apple claims it to be almost same to an iPhone 5, the difference being, it is now available in the much loved rose gold colour. The iPhone SE is pronounced as 'essay'. The A9 chip is complimented my the M9 Motion CoProcessor.
The phone has a 12 MP rear sensor, which is the same as on the iPhone 6s & 6s Plus. It comes with the same aesthetics as the 6s with True Tone Flash, New Signal Processor, record 4K Video
and upto 63 MP Panorama.
The iPhone SE Starts at $399 for the base 16 GB Model and goes upto $499 for the 64 GB Version.
The phone will be available from 31st March.
Huge thanks to The Verge for providing images!
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